New of Yamaha Fino modification contest picture In bangkok Thailand

yamaha Fino contest

Yamaha Fino Modif picture

Yamaha fino Modifikasi picture

Yamaha Fino modification pics
READ MORE - New of Yamaha Fino modification contest picture In bangkok Thailand

Gambar motor Yamaha Mio soul Baru

Gambar motor Yamaha Mio soul Baru
Gambar motor Yamaha Mio soul Baru

Gambar motor Yamaha Mio soul Baru 2010

Gambar motor Yamaha Mio soul Baru

Matic scooter yamaha mio from thailand and malaysia and Indonesia than from pictures. The mio scuter automatic is very simple and very enjoy for you like it, i very striking comparison.

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Foto sexy Spg Djarum Event of Yamaha Mio contest

Foto sexy Spg Djarum Event of Yamaha Mio contest

Foto sexy Spg Djarum Event of Yamaha Mio contest

Event contest and the party from Launch of Yamaha with SPG djarum black.
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Gambar Yamaha mio klasik, the clasic of Yamaha mio in traditional express

Mio clasic in traditional moment in a archipelago in social public. Who is them?
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Modifikasi Yamaha mio Thailand 2010 sporty

Modifikasi Yamaha mio Thailand 2010 sporty

Modifikasi Yamaha mio Thailand 2010 sporty

The yamaha mio modification from thailand indonesia malaysia and vietnam is actual good.The bang apparatus to action motorcycle.

There was the change additionally in the area leg-shield that currently resembles the wings to the avoid motor. Added bankrupt inside. Foot the disciplinarian added could ‘ngumpet’ and safe. The accouter was advised aloof with the motive that greated. Footstep boncenger had the plan that was the aforementioned as Yamaha Fino. Yamaha absolutely did not appetite still again ‘kesalahan klasik’ Yamaha Mio the adaptation of aboriginal that fabricated Mio be complained about boncenger as the not adequate motor.

READ MORE - Modifikasi Yamaha mio Thailand 2010 sporty

Spesifikasi motor Yamaha mio sporty 2010

Spesifikasi sepeda motor Yamaha mio adventurous automated terbaru tahun 2008 ke 2009

Spesifikasi / specs:

* Nama Produk : MIO

* Tipe Produk : Automatic

* Harga Mio Standar : Rp. 10,560,000 (Maret 2007).

* Harga Mio Adventurous : Rp. 11,285,000 (Maret 2007).

* Mesin

o Tipe Mesin : 4 langkah, SOHC 2-Klep pendingin udara

o Diameter x Langkah : 50.0 x 57.9 mm

o Volume Silinder : 113.7 CC

o Perbandingan Kompresi : 8.8 : 1

o Kopling : Kering, Sentrifugal Otomatis

o Susunan Silinder : Tunggal

o Karburator : NCV24x1 (Keihin)

o Sistem Pengapian : DC-CDI

o Pelumas : Wet Sump

o Kapasitas Oli Mesin : 0.9 Liter

o Transmisi : V-Belt Otomatis

o Rasio Gigi : 2.399 - 0.829

o Caster / Trail : 26.5 derajat/ 100 mm

o Sistem Rem Depan : Hydraulic Single Disc

o Sistem Rem Belakang : Drum

* Chasis

o Tipe Rangka : Steel Tube

o Kapasitas Tangki : 3,7 Liter

o Jarak Sumbu Roda : 1,240 mm

o Jarak ke Tanah : 130 mm

o Tinggi Tempat Duduk : 745 mm

* Suspensi / Ban

o Suspensi Depan : Teleskopik

o Suspensi Belakang : Teleskopik

o Ukuran Ban Depan : 70/90-14MC 34P

o Ukuran Ban Belakang : 80/90-14MC 34P

o Sistem Starter : Kick & Electric

* Performa (klaim pabrik)

o Daya Maksimum : 6.54 Km (8.9 ps) / 8,000 rpm

o Torsi Maksimum : 7.84 Nm (0.88 kgf.m) / 7,000 rpm

* Garansi

o 3 tahun/ 36.000 Km : Mesin (sesuai ketentuan)

o 2 tahun : kelistrikan (Rotor, Stator, CDI, Ignition Coil, Motor Starter Assy)

o 6 bulan/ 6.000 Km : Umum (di luar kelistrikan)

o SERVIS GRATIS : 4 kali + 2 kali oli mesin

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Gambar motor Yamaha Mio Soul 2010 automatic

Gambar motor Yamaha Mio Soul 2010 automatic  Gambar motor Yamaha Mio Soul 2010 automatic  Gambar motor Yamaha Mio Soul 2010 automatic  Gambar motor Yamaha Mio Soul 2010 automatic  Gambar motor Yamaha Mio Soul 2010 automatic

Gambar motor Yamaha Mio Soul 2010 automatic

Yamaha Mio body Injeksion is actual acceptable for boys and girls. The mio body from Indonesia, thailand and malaysia and vietnam. Mio matic or automated is actual simple for you now. The change bodi best was acquainted was in new clothes that were acclimated by Mio 2007. Apparent sekilas, ubahan that was agitated by Mio 2007 Yamaha Mio basins bounded that was adapted and was generally apparent by us his advantage in tabloids. ‘Dada’ was fabricated membusung as a aftereffect of new ablaze currently follows the architecture ‘bego’. This already accustomed was done by the bounded modifier that awash Yamaha Nouvo Z ablaze in bodi Mio the modification. However Mio ablaze 2007 had the new architecture that captured with capital ablaze that became round. All of a abrupt did not appropriate Nouvo Z. Mengikuti ablaze the architecture of new ablaze that currently ‘bego’, tebeng advanced was advised again with the affix of ‘Air Duct’. The fast consequence and aerodinamis, absolutely fabricated Mio 2007 basins ‘ganti kelamin’ from the changeable motor now became the macho motor.
READ MORE - Gambar motor Yamaha Mio Soul 2010 automatic
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